Monday 12 August 2013

Sentence Corrections ---Exercises No.12, 13 & 14 with Answers & Explanations.

Exercise No. 12.

Find out error in the following sentences if any and mark Sr. no. of the relative part. In case of no error mark Sr no.5.
Ignore punctuation errors.

A. 1. The difference between 2. John and his brother is 3. that the former is intelligent 4.while another is not.

B. 1. On my arrival on the station 2. I found that 3. my friends were already there 4.waiting for me.

C. 1. Little water 2.I left in the jug 3.was insufficient to quench 4.the thirst of the child.

D. 1.No less than thirty children2. participated in the event3. but only one 4.child won the prize.

E 1.He invited me have dinner with him3. at night but which 4.I declined very politely.

Answers with explanations.

A . 4. Former is followed by latter and not another.

B. 1. Arrival is followed by 'at' and not by 'on'.

C. 1. The little water. It is some specific quantity of water mentioned here.

D. 1. For quantity 'fewer' instead of 'little' is used.

E. 3. But is redundant here.

Exercise No. 13.

Find out error in the following sentences if any and mark Sr. no. of the relative part. In case of no error mark Sr no.5.
Ignore punctuation errors.

A. 1.Nobody in their senses 2.would have behaved with3. the guests in 4.such a clumsy manner.

B. 1.It is my firm belief 2.that in most extreme situation too, 3.he will not come to you4. to seek help from you.

C. 1.The inspector during his visit 2. to various factories3. found that the plight of workers working there 4. is not good.  

D. 1.Scarcely had 2. the mother finished narrating story the child 4.when the child fell asleep.

E. 1.Aptly 2.he said that 3. there is no royal road success.

Answers with explanations.

A. 1.  Singular pronoun with nobody 'his' is to be used here.

B. 2. 'the most'.

C. 4. was not good.

D. 4. when instead of than.

E.  Adverb and verb together are used in the beginning of the sentence to put emphasis on matter.

Exercise No. 14.

Find out error in the following sentences if any and mark Sr. no. of the relative part. In case of no error mark Sr no.5.
Ignore punctuation errors.

A. 1.His son is 2.still a minor and 3. he is not legible cast his vote in elections.

B. 1.Between you and I,  2.he is not a person 3.who can  be trusted upon 4.for a  timely help. 

C. 1.Many a student of various schools 2. have been selected 3. for appearing4. in this competition test.

D. 1.Either John or his wife 2.are going to 3.attend the marriage party 4.of his son.

E. 1.The house sold last year3. was superior than4. that of mine.

Answers with explanations.
A. 3. eligible instead of legible.

B. 1. me instead of I

C. 2. has instead of have.

D.  2. For 'either...' singular verb is used. is instead of are.

E. 3. Superior to.

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