Saturday 17 August 2013

Sentence Correction Exercises No. 1,2 & 3 ...with answers & explanations

Exercise No. 1.

Find out error in the following sentences if any and mark Sr. no. of the relative part. In case of no error mark Sr no.5.
Ignore punctuation errors.

A. 1.Supposing if it rains tomorrow, will not be  3. possible for me visit you

B. 1.As it was raining yesterday,  2.we had no other choice  3. but to stay indoors  4.for the whole day.

C. 1.We are so much engrossed in our daily routine  2.these days that we have freedom and leisure  4.of free thinking.

D. 1. John is  2.more intelligent  3.than any student  4. In the college.

E. 1. If he would have applied  2.his mind a little  3.he  would not have  4.committed this mistake.

Answers for Question 1

Exercise No.2.

Find out error in the following sentences if any and mark Sr. no. of the relative part. In case of no error mark Sr no.5.
Ignore punctuation errors.

A. 1.Today our nation  has been  2.saved from  3.the greatest misfortune that has ever  4.or could  fall on her.

B. 1.The person  2.who met you the market yesterday  4. is our English teacher.

C. 1.John went to his native village  2.after four years  3.and his friends were too glad meet him after such  a long time.

D. 1.My wife  asked  me  2.that when I was leave for Delhi  4.the next morning.

E. 1.My father advised me  2.that as my mother was unwell,  3.I should care for her  4.during his absence to  Bombay.

Answers for Question 2

Exercise No.3.

Find out error in the following sentences if any and mark Sr. no. of the relative part. In case of no error mark Sr no.5.
Ignore punctuation errors.

A. 1.The affection of   2.all my office colleagues   3.have come to me   4. in an abundant measure.

B. 1.One of the shortcomings  2.of modern education system  are  3.that it is  not employment oriented   4. and does not produce technical hands.

C. 1. The charge of murder  2.being proved  3.against him,  4.the judge sentenced the accused to death.

D. 1.I was trying to  2. get admission  in a medical college  3. Even though my parents wanted me go for an engineering course.

E. 1. My brother has told me 2. that he might have saved 3.much time had he traveled a shorter route.

(Valuable comments solicited )

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