Monday 23 September 2013

Exercise for Practice ----Questions Based on Questions of Previous Years Question Papers (with answers)

Exercise No. 13.

Each of the following sentences has one italic part. There are three possible substitutes. If one of them is equivalent to meaning of the italic part, choose that as your answer. If none of the substitutes improves the sentence, then choose (4) as your answer.

(These sentences are based on questions  of  previous years examinations)

1. The prime function of a news paper is to provide us with all sorts of news, local and foreign. But for it, we would have to remain in total ignorance of the affairs of the world. It is only on account of newspapers that we can keep abreast of the times.  

1. But newspapers would have removed  ignorance of world.

2. But newspapers would have put forth  affairs of the world.

3. Else we would have remained ignorant about affairs of the world.

4. None of the above.

2. One should have courage to live humbly within one’s  means rather than live dishonestly upon the means of other people. He, who incurs debts in striving to maintain a style of living beyond his means, is in spirit as dishonest as the man who openly picks your pocket. To many this appears as an extreme view but it is true in real sense.

1. who has not sufficient means to maintain his standard of living.

2, who borrows  from others to live a life beyond his sources of income.

3. who is unable to earn enough to maintain his standard of living.

4.  None of these.

3. An honourable man is frugal of his means and pays his debts honestly. A man is not poor whose means  are small, but whose desires are controlled, so that man is rich whose means are more than sufficient for his wants.

1. A man who earns more than his expenditure is not poor.

2. A man who maintains his expenditure  within his income is  not poor.

3. A man whose sources are less but his needs are restricted is not poor.

4. None of these  

4. Character is built upon little things-little things well and honourably transacted. A man’s success in his life depends upon his attention to little things. It will invariably be proportionate to his efforts,  to his industry, to his attention to small things. The comfort of a household is the result of small things well arranged.

1. A man who has good business is successful in his life.

2. A man’s success implies his hard work diligence and his concern for petite activities of life.

3. A man’s success is not possible without his labour and solving the minutest problems of life successfully.

4. None of these.

5. The advantage of punctuality to a man is manifold. A punctual man never puts others to inconvenience and accordingly wins the respect and confidence of all who come in contact with him. He has confidence in his own powers and knows he cannot but be successful in any undertaking  where time is an essential factor.

1. has won confidence of others and is sure to succeed in his life.

2. has confidence in his own self that he can do a work and succeed.

3. has self-confidence to win favour of other to be successful in life.

4. None of these.

6. Brevity is an art which can be acquired by developing skill in the choice of words for more effectiveness. Verbosity is the enemy of wit while brevity is the soul of wit. The epigrammatic and  crisp sayings of great orators and writers are always remembered and quoted.

1. Brief way of expression makes a man more intelligent and wise.

2. Brief and not lengthy ways of expression shows intelligence of a person.

3. Brevity is the yard stick to measure a man’s intelligence and wisdom.

4. None of these.

7. A fool who is rash and impulsive always takes his decisions without thinking twice. He is gullible and falls into a trap of allurement and glamour of the world. He gets easily excited and rushes to act madly. innocent and is not in a position to make wise decisions.

2. is credulous and is swayed away by the outward spell of good looking things.

3. is shortsighted and is charmed by outer beauty of the person.

4. None of these.

8. A man may be wise and yet he may not be a man of great knowledge. Knowledge comes through reading and perceiving but wisdom comes not only through learning but also through experience, good judgement and prudence etc. and even the it takes its  own time in coming.

1.not only by studying but through cunning and tactful way of life.

2. not only by knowledge but also through practice, good decision and wisdom.

3. not only understanding but also through skill, good decision and maturity.

4.  None of these.

9. It is difficult to gauge the depth of one’s heart simply by looking at one’s face and outward appearance. Things are not what they seem to be. In the world of today full of hypocrisy there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing.

1. are many noble persons in modern and costly clothes.

2. are bad characters doing evil deeds.

3. are many evil minded persons in the garb of good persons.

4.None of these.

10.  A man who is persevering and industrious is sure to achieve success and make his fortune in life. By dint of his strong will and firm determination he finds all his difficulties solved. To him there are a thousand ways open to steer clear of all dangers and difficulties of life.

1. to face all the difficulties of  life boldly.

2.  to overcome risks and troubles of life successfully.

3.  to achieve success and fortune in life easily.

4. None of these.

Answers  : (1)   3    (2)  2    (3) 3  (4)  2   (5)  2  (6)   2    (7)  2     (8)  2    (9)   3    (10) 2

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