Wednesday 19 June 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations



These days in competitive examinations there are questions in various forms  relating to language and grammar application  to examine knowledge of candidates. These questions  change in their forms from one  examination  to other but the basic purpose remains the same. 

Here are some questions of this type for practice.

Question :

(1)  Fill in the blanks numbered in the following passage by selecting an appropriate word from the options given against each number. 

The Green Revolution made India a food grain surplus country. However some other issues like  1..................of groundwater, deterioration of soil fertility and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers etc. cropped   2................This led stakeholders to consider 3..................of crops including resorting to high value crops such as fruit and vegetables and non-traditional ones like flowers or mushrooms etc. These crops have great potential to   4.............. farm income of cultivators.

 Today India’s total horticulture production is  5...............  that of food grains. India ranks second (after China) in fruit and vegetable production in the world. The massive production offers India  6...............opportunities for exports. Grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, bananas and oranges are the major items of fruit exported from India while onions, potatoes, tomatoes and green chillies  etc.  are the vegetables that India  7............. exports. Major destinations for fresh fruit and vegetables are Bangladesh, Iraq, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Oman Qatar, Sri Lanka, the UAE and the UK. India exports processed fruit and vegetables to Bangladesh, China, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the US. In order to enhance its export business of fruit and vegetables in a big way,  India 8................. certain practices and regulations for maintaining an exportable quality of produce.

 The producers have to comply quality norms to avoid rejection from importing countries or buyers. Export to European countries or the US mandates  stringent regulation on the pesticides residue levels and heavy metals in fruit and vegetables. A crop is not tradable if it exceeds the maximum residue levels. Therefore the producers and exporters must comply with the levels the importing countries.For India a world class logistics and infrastructure ecosystem too  needs to be in place to boost export of fruit and vegetables. 

1. a. augmentation b. restoration c. escalation d. depletion.
2. a. in b. up c. about d. upon
3. a. consolidation b. modification c. diversification d. Mollification
4. a. rise b. raise c. thrust d. expand 
5. a.surpassing b. overpowering c. competing d. daring 
6. a. considered b. urgent c. immediate d. major 
7. a. basically  b. largely c.initially  d. sparingly 
8. a. has to follow  b. need follow c. require following d. have to follow
9. a. about b. for c. with d. after 
10. a. said b. put c. shown d. set  

(Answers - 1. d  2. b  3. c 4. b  5. a  6. d  7. b  8.a 9.c 10.d.)

(2)  Select the correct voice form of the sentence out of the given options.

1. Hamlet suspected the queen poisoned the king.

a. The king is suspected to have been poisoned by the queen.
b. Hamlet suspected the king was poisoned by the queen.
c. Hamlet suspected the king had been poisoned by the queen.

2. Children have gone to see the circus.

a. Children have gone to the circus to be seen.
b. Children have gone for the circus to be seen.
c. Children have been gone to the circus to be seen.

(3)  Select the part of the sentence that contains an error if there is no error mark (e) No error.

A.The memories of good old days (a)   I spent here   are recalled (b) in my mind whenever I (c) visit this city though for a short time even. (d) No error (e)

B. The news that examination  is (a) postponed spread like a wild fire in the city and (b) all the students preparing for the examination(c) got upset to hear this news.(d) No error (e)

(4)  Find out the synonym of the word.

A. Restitute 
a. Progress
b. Restore
c. Confront

B. Loutish 
a. urbane 
b. homogenous 
c. boorish 

C. Snobbery 
a. Arrogance
b. Proximity
c. Nobility

(5)  Find out the antonym of the word.

A. Holistic 
a. Divisive
b. Wholesome
c. Functional

B. Parry
a. Impede
b. Evade
c. Hasten

C. Dubious
a. Uncertain
b. Confirmed
c. Harmful

(6)  Select the appropriate meaning  of the idiom from the given options. 

A.  Go with a bang

a. To behave in a churlish manner.
b.  To act in an aggressive manner.
c. To feel excited on succeeding

B.  Under the cloud

a. To feel extremely happy
b. To suspect something or someone. 
c. To be uncertain about something.

(7)  Find out the wrongly spelt word out of the following

a. Susceptible
b. Gullible
c. Decible

a. Insolubrious  
b. flamboyant
c. Draconian

(8)  Select the correct Narration form of the sentence out of the given options.

1. The board hanging on the wall reads,"Entry in the garden is prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted."

a. The board hanging on the wall reads not to enter the garden and orders  that trespassers would be prosecuted. 

b. The board hanging on the wall prohibits entry into the garden and cautions trespassers that they will be prosecuted. 

c. The board hanging on the wall prohibited them to enter the garden and cautioned them that trespassers would be prosecuted. 


2. Her mother said," Where she has gone is not known to me, my son, you will have to wait until she returns."

a. Her mother asked  where she had gone was not known to her and her son would have to wait until she returned.

b. Her mother asked her son where she had gone was not known to her and he would have to wait until she returned.

c. Her mother told her son that where she had gone was not known to her and he would have to wait until she returned.

9. Select the correct meaning of the underlined portion of the sentence out of given options.

The principal requirement for a successful leader is that he or she should lead by example. 

a. Follow examples of others.
b. Put his words into own practice.
c. Make show of his deeds.

Cancelation of examination has taken a heavy toll on the mental and emotional wellbeing of the candidates.

a. Make a good impact. 
b. Cause a heavy expenditure. 
c. To cause a bad effect.

10. Arrange the following sentences in a meaningful way.

(P) But these all cannot be taken for granted to be  genuine and true. There is every likelihood of their being fake and manipulated to gain reputation of the suppliers.

(Q)The claims made by suppliers and reviews by prior users on the site generally make the basis  of the prospective buyers’ decision of making purchases. 

(R) This necessitates ensuring that the supplies on their delivery made  are  genuine and  as promised. 

(S) These days there is an increasing trend of making online purchases of services and products among people. People of all ages prefer making purchases on line. 

(Answer : 1. SRQP  2. SQRP  3. PQSR  4. QRSP

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