Saturday 1 June 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations


There are questions relating to language and grammar application in competititve examination papers to assess knowledge and application of grammar rules. These questions are of different types but the basic content remains the same. Here are some questions of this type for practice.

Question :

1. Read thefollowing passage and answer the questions following it.

Reading provides a man a strange type of pleasure besides it is instructive as well. It not only gives him ecstasy but also sharpens his intellect. Reading books of different types drives a man from his worries and cares of life. All human beings start enjoying pleasures of reading right from childhood.To begin with a child learns the ways of life through reading and writing. He derives his pleasure through reciting a small poem about an animal, a few sentences about toys or learning a little prose about small things of surroundings.

Reading newspapers, periodicals or journals etc. falls under the category of light reading. These impart knowledge to their reader and keeps him abreast of the day to day events happening around him. These also contain articles which increase the wit and knowledge of the reader. Besides knowledge boosting, there is another category of books which provides a pastime reading to the reader. These books contain luxurious fiction that has abilty to create and sustain the interest of the reader. These creations of imagination are  equally  connected with real life. As such these create a niche of interest and pleasure in the mind of the reader.

Man by nature is fond of making adventures. As reading about such adventures provides a man glamour and romanticism of life. Books of travel and adventure are such another type of books that a man likes. These infuse a sense of fearlessness and inspiration among the readers. The books of adventures of travelling are among the best books of literature.  

Undoubtedly, books are a gold mine of knowledge, art, literature and science. They are not only useful and instructive but are also entertaining and recreative. Whatever type of books one reads, the reading is always a source of pleasure and enjoyment.

On the basis of aforesaid paragraph choose  answers of questions. 

1. What types of benefits a man gets from reading?

a. People in the habit of reading get expositive type of knowledge.
b. People get ostensive type of knowledge from reading.
c. Reading imparts elucidative knowledge to readers.
d. Reading provides interpretation and clarity about different concepts. 

(1. a & b  2. a &d  3. a,b & c  4. a,c & d)

2. Choose the correct one out of the following statements.

a. Reading gives to the reader enjoyment and pleasure only.
b. A Reader gets mutifarious benefits from reading.
c. Reading imparts to the reader didactic type of benefits only.
d. Reading is instructive, elucidative, venturesome and delightful.

(1. a&c 2. b&c 3. b&d  4. a&d )

3. Point out the incorrect statement.

a. Reading gives pleasure and enjoyment to the reader.
b. Reading alleviates worries of the reader.
c. Reading takes away the reader from realities of life.
d. Reading makes the reader valiant and perceptible.

4. Which of the following words give the meaning opposite to ecstasy?
a. Rapture b. Agony c. Euphoria.

5.  "As  reading about such  adventures provides a man glamour and romanticism of life."
The writer in this sentnce wants to convey that-
- It provides an escape route for a man from drudgery of life. 
- these books are alluring in nature.
- Books make perception of life for a man fascinating.

6. The habit of reading is inculcated in human beings ...

a. when he comes in contact with intelligentsia.
b. when he is in  primitive age of life.
c. when a man gets mature enough to understand.

7. Select the word in paragraph that means the same as
 'precarious '

a. strange
b. recreative
c. Instructive

8. Select the part that contains an error in the following sentence.

(a) It is a different category of 
(b)  books that not only develop intellect 
(c) of the reader but also helps in making 
(d)  a better approach towards life.
(e) No Error.

9.  Books of which following  types provide knowledge and pleasure to a reader.

a. Books of casual reading.
b. Books of fiction.
c. Books of adventures.

1. ac 2. abc 3. ab

10.  Select the correct option meaning the marked part in the following  sentence.

Books are a gold mine of knowledge, art, literature and science.

a. enshrine.
b. encumber.
c. treasure 

(11)  Select from following  what the idiom from passage  'to keep abreast of' mean.

a. To make a confession
b. To inquire into
c. To remain informed. 

(Answers: 1.4.  2.3  3.c 4.b  5.c  6.b 7.a  8.b 9.2. 10.c 11.c)

2. Select the word in the following ones which is different in meaning from others.

a. Fervent
b. Surreptitious
c. Ardent
d. Torrid

(Answer b)

3. Select the correct option giving the meaning of the phrase.

(A) To talk turkey

a. To speak strongly against something or someone.
b. To discuss something openly and honestly.
c. To pursue something which is unlikely to be achieved.

(B) Brow beat

a. To praise
b. To protest
c. To bully 

(C) Yoeman's service

a. Excellent work
b. Fruitless effort
c. Timely help

(Answers : A.b B.a C.a)

4.Arrange the sentences PQRS in meaningful way, A and B being the first and last sentence of the paaragraph.

A. China landed its space craft 'lunar probe'  successfully on the far side of the Moon to collect samples.

P .It is claimed that it is the first time that samples will be collected from the rarely explored area of the moon.

Q.Scientists believe that it holds great promise for research because its craters are less covered by ancient lava flows than the near side.

R. Materials collected from the dark side may better shed light on how the moon formed in the first place. 

S. The Moon's far side is also called dark side  because it is invisible from Earth. It is so not because it never catches the Sun's rays.

B.The samples thus collected  will provide insight into the formation of solar system and differences between the unexplored side of the moon and its better understood side facing earth. 


(Answer : SQRP)

(5)  Select the correct option as passive form the sentence.

1.Flowing river swayed away wooden logs.

a. Wooden logs are swayed away by flowing river.

b. Wooden logs were swayed away by flowing river.

c. Wooden logs were swayed away in flowing river.

(Answer: c)

2. We should not eat fruit raw.

a. Fruit should not be eaten raw.

b. Fruit are not  eaten raw by us.

 c. Raw fruit should not be eaten by us.

(Answer: a)

(6)  Select the correct option as Narration of the following sentence.

"Well done!," said the manager to the captain,"Your team has shown a splendid performance."

a. The Manager praised the captain saying that he had done well and told him that his team had shown a splendid performance.

b. The Manager exclaimed to the captain that he did well and told him that his team had shown a splendid performance.

c. The Manager applauded the captain saying that he did  well and told him that his team  showed a splendid performance.

(Answer: a)

(7)  Select the correct option that gives the meaning of the italicised part of the sentence.

Brevity is an art which can be acquired by developing skill in the choice of words for more effectiveness. Verbosity is the enemy of wit and brevity is the soul of wit. The epigrammatic and crisp sayings of  great orators and writers are always remembered and quoted.

a. Brief and not lengthy way of expression shows inteeligence of a man.
b. Brief and not lengthy way of expression makes a man intelligent and wise.
c. Brevity is the yardstick to asses intelligence of a man.
d. None of these.


A rash and impulsive man takes his decision without thinking. He is gullible and falls prey to allurement and glamour of the world. He gets easily excited and rushes to act madly.

a. He is innocent and is unable to take his decisions himself.
b. He is credulous and is swayed by outward show of things.
c. He lacks farsightedness and is enchanted by outer beauty of persons.
d. None of these.

(Answer: A.b  B.b)

(8)  Fill in the blanks with an appropriate pair of words out of the given options. 

By planting trees on roadsides and ............ of towns and villages we can save land from ..................

a. periphery , afforestattion
b. vicinity, erosion.
c. outskirts, deforestation

All the countrymen should............the spirit of service and sacrifice from great men of ..........

a. inculcate, power
b. imbibe, wisdom
c. emulate, yore.

(Answer: 1.c  2.c)

(9)  Fill in the blanks numbered in the following passage by selecting an appropriate word from the options given against each number. 

The Green Revolution made India a food grain surplus country. However some other issues like 1..................of groundwater, deterioration of soil fertility and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers etc. cropped 2................This led stakeholders to consider 3..................of crops including resorting to high value crops such as fruit and vegetables and non-traditional ones like flowers or mushrooms etc. These crops have great potential to 4.............. farm income of cultivators.

 Today India’s total horticulture production is5...............  that of food grains. India ranks second (after China) in fruit and vegetable production in the world. The massive production offers India  6...............opportunities for exports. Grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, bananas and oranges are the major items of fruit exported from India while onions, potatoes, tomatoes and green chillies  etc.  are the vegetables that India7............. exports. Major destinations for fresh fruit and vegetables are Bangladesh, Iraq, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Oman Qatar, Sri Lanka, the UAE and the UK. India exports processed fruit and vegetables to Bangladesh, China, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the US. In order to enhance its export business of fruit and vegetables in a big way,  India 8................. certain practices and regulations for maintaining an exportable quality of produce.

 The producers have to comply quality norms to avoid rejection from importing countries or buyers. Export to European countries or the US mandates  stringent regulation on the pesticides residue levels and heavy metals in fruit and vegetables. A crop is not tradable if it exceeds the maximum residue levels. Therefore the producers and exporters must comply with the levels the importing countries.For India a world class logistics and infrastructure ecosystem too  needs to be in place to boost export of fruit and vegetables. 

1. a. augmentation b. restoration c. escalation d. depletion.
2. a. inb. up c. about d. upon
3. a. consolidation b. modification c. diversification d. modification
4. a. rise b. raise c. thrust d. expand 
5. a.surpassing b. overpowering c. competing d.daring 
6. a. considered b. urgent c. immediate d.major 
7. a.basically  b. largely c.initially  d. sparingly 
8. a.has to follow b. need follow c. require following d.have to follow
9. a. about b.for c. with d. after 
10. a. said b. put c. shown d.set  

(Answers - 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. b 8.a 9.c 10.d.)

(10)  Select the correct voice form of the sentence out of the given options.

1. Hamlet suspected the queen poisoned the king.

a. The king is suspected to have been poisoned by the queen.
b. Hamlet suspected the king was poisoned by the queen.
c. Hamlet suspected the king had been poisoned by the queen.

2. Children have gone to see the circus.

a. Children have gone to the circus to be seen.
b. Children have gone for the circus to be seen.
c. Children have been gone to the circus to be seen.

(11)  Select the part of the sentence that contains an error if there is no error mark (e) No error.

A.The memories of good old days (a)   I spent here   are recalled (b) in my mind whenever I (c) visit this city though for a short time even. (d) No error (e)

B. The news that examinations  are (a) postponed spread like a wild fire in the city and (b) all the students preparing for the examination(c) got upset to hear this news.(d) No error (e)

(12)  Find out the synonym of the word.

A. Restitute 
a. Progress
b. Restore
c. Confront

B. Loutish 
a. urbane 
b. homogenous 
c. boorish 

C. Snobbery 
a. Arrogance
b. Proximity
c. Nobility

(13)  Find out the antonym of the word.

A. Holistic 
a. Divisive
b. Wholesome
c. Functional

B. Parry

a. Impede
b. Evade
c. Hasten

C. Dubious

a. Uncertain
b. Confirmed
c. Harmful

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