Tuesday 28 May 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations



In  competitive examinations, there are questions to assess knowledge of language and application of grammar rules. Different types of questions are framed in these question papers. The pattern of questions goes on changing but the basic content remains the same. Here follow certain questions of this type for practice.

Question :

1. Arrange the following sentences PQRS, A and E being first and last sentence, forming a meaningful paragraph.

A. An inter-institutional research examined how human beings can manage knowledge and communication to restore and balance operational and relationalsystems distrupted by crises.

P. It showed that perceived uncertainty affects human beings differently influencing both their mental and emotional stress. This in turn impacts how they behave and respond psychologically during a crisis.

Q. It also showed that the communication should be clear, frequent compassionately in case high-uncertainty crises and complete, tranparent persuasive in case of low uncertainty crises. 

R. Effective communication  planning particularly in high uncertainty scenarios is vital for human beings. The process and resources for creating, storing and sharing knowledge help in preparing for crisis communication.

S. It presented a comprehensive framework to guide human beings in tailoring their comunication strategies based on the level ofcirsis uncertainty.

 E. Displaying compassion in communication can help human beings cope with survivor's guilt which impacts their well being post-crisis.

(OPTIONS :  (a) SPQR, (b) RSPQ, (c) SQPR, (d) QPSR)

(Answer : (a)

2. Select the correct sentence out of the given options.
a. His brother alongwith his friends go to see the movie every Sunday.
b. His brother along with his friends goes to see the movie every Sunday.
c. His brother alongwith his friends goes to seeing the movie every Sunday.

a. The company is incurring losses as its expenditure is higher than 
the income it earns from its all sources.
b. The company is incurred losses as its expenditure is higher than 
the income it earns from its all sources.
c. The company has incurring losses as its expenditure is higher than 
the income it earns from its all sources.
(Answers: A.c  B.a

3. From among the words marked select the correctly spelt word in the following sentence.

The (1) challange he faced without any cheering claps, and the (2) hostility he experienced from the opposite teams of American kids who (3) recented the newcomers -- only brought the boys closer.  
(Answer: 2)

4. From among given options select the correct passive form of  the given sentence.

A. People believe that face is the index of mind.

a. It is believed that mind has been the index of face.
b. It is believed that face is the index of mind.
c. People believe that mind has been the index to face.

B. What follows the spring season?

a. What the spring season is followed ?
b. What the spring season is followed by?
c. What is the spring season followed by ?
(Answers : A b B c)

5. Select the word out of given options which means the same as the following sentence.

Which cannot be satisfied.

a. Incurable b. Incredible  c. Insatiable.

(Answer : c)
6. Select the correct meaning of the idiom out of options.

(a). Up the creek without a paddle.

a. To start a work without preparation.
b. To do a difficult work in an easy way.
c. To be in a difficult situation or trouble.

(b). To pour one's heart

a. To show affection for someone.
b. To make an open expression.
 c. To make companionship with someone.

(c). Elephant in the room.

a, A person of high repute.
b. A person with huge wealth.
c. A sensitive issue left unaddressed. 

(Answers : (a)c  (b)b (c)c )

7. Substitute the marked part of the sentence choosing a correct option. If no improvement is required mark option No Improvement. 

1. Unless her brother returns from his journey, it is difficult for her to proceed  with her further course of action.

a) to her going ahead with
b) for her to precede further with  
c) by her to move with
d) No Improvement.

2. Readers accustomed to think reading as dull may be surprised to learn that fascinating contribution this book makes to their understanding.

a) what fascinated contribution 
b) what fascinating contribution
c) that fascinated contribution
d) No Improvement.

3. As we were approaching near her office, we saw some news reporters with their glittering cameras standing in front of its gate.

a) were reaching at her office
b)  reached near her office
c) were approaching at her office
d) No Improvement

(Answers 1.d 2.b 3.b)

8. Mark the part of the sentence that carries an error in it.

a) The lady joined (b) an institute (c) for  learning to (d) drive a car.
(e) No error.

(a) It is believed that (b) Rennaisance  is a  culture (c) and scientific reawakening a time (d)  of great possibility and intensity. (e) No error.

3. (a) The government is thinking of starting (b) a programme for educational institutions
(c)  in the country to impart education to its (d) pupils inculcating patriotism among them. (e) No error

(Answers 1. c 2. b 3. c)

9. Find out the correctly spelt word.

a) Accommodate
b) Acommodate
c) Accomodate
d) Acomodate

a) Luducurous
b) Luducruos
c) Ludicrous
d) Ludicuros

a) omanivoros
b) omnivarous
c) omnivouros
d) omnivorous
(Answers : 1. c 2. c 3. d

9. Fill in blank in  with an appropriate preposition out of options.

a)  A preface .........the book preceded its chapters.
1. by  2, of 3. to 4. in

b) The oldman is often seen brooding ........his past days.
1. in 2. on 3. over 4. with

c) The river was brimming ........water.
1.by 2, with 3, of 4. at

d) These estimates were deduced .......the data available with us.
1. in 2. from 3. by 4. within

(Answers : a.3 b. 3 c. 2 d. 2 )

10. Change the Narration of the following sentence and mark the correct option.

Each of her friends said to her," Rest Assured! I shall stand by you in all times."

a) Each of her friends assured her that she would stand by her in all times.
b) Each of her friends told her to be assured that she would stand by her in all times.
c) Each of her friends assured her and told that she would stand by her in all times.
d) Each of her friends assured and told her that she would stand by her in all times.

" I have never been to this city earlier. Have 
you ever been?" said his friend to him.

a) His friend asked him that he had never been to that city earlier and if he had ever been.
b) His friend told him that he had never been to that city earlier and if he had ever been.
c) His friend told him that he had never been to that city earlier and asked if he had ever been.
d) His friend enquired him that he had never been to that city earlier and if he had ever been.

(Answer: One a. Two c)

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