Thursday 23 May 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations


Here follow certain questions on the pattern of those set in competitive examinations. The style and method of questions goes on changing a little bit every time though the basic intent is to judge knowledge of language and its grammar application.

Directions :
(Question 101 to 110) :  

 Find out, out of the given options, the appropriate meaning  of the idiom underlined in the following sentence :

101.While all consider her a "good girl" but her cousin is considered a rebellious black sheep in their family.

1. Brave 2. Timid 3. Odd person 4. Industrious.  

102. The boy tried to convince the teacher about his absence from the class  but he did not trust on his Cock and Bull Story.

1. Reasonable version 2. Implausible story 3. Strongly  worded  4. Full of Excuses.

103. On seeing the police coming towards the site, the protesters beat a retreat and vanished away.

1.Move stealthily 2. Move hastily 3. Move slowly 4. Move backwards.

104. The family is in the habit of eating out, chewing the fat and spending their time with their friends in the evening.

1. Spend money lavishly 2. Enjoy good company 3. Chat and gossip 4. Make a show off.

105. On hearing  decision of the jury against her, she shook her head fiercely and rushed out of the room in high dudgeon.

1. High headedness 2. Act hastily 3. Act resentfully 4. Make a protest.

Select the correct Voice form of the sentence out of the given options.

106. The child hurt himself while playing with a ball.

a. The child hurt himself while being  played with a ball.
b. The child himself was hurt while playing with a ball.
c. The child was hurt himself while playing with a ball.
d. The child had hurt himself while playing with a ball.

107. The tap was left running throughout the day.

a. Someone left the tap being run throughout the day.
b. Someone had left the tap running throughout the day.
c. They left the running tap throughout the day.
d. Someone left the tap running throughout the day.

108. A pen can do what a sword cannot.

a. What a sword cannot do can be done by a pen.
b. What cannot  be done by sword is done by pen.
c. What is not done by sword is done by a pen.
d. What a pen can do can not be done by a sword. 

109. Aeroplane while landing produced noise.

a. Noise was produced while landing by aeroplane.
b. Noise was produced by aeroplane while being landed.
c. Noise was produced by aeroplane while was landing.
d. Noise is produced by aeroplane while its landing.

110. Flowers do not whither when we keep them moist.

a. Flowers when kept moist did not whither.
b. Flowers when are kept moist do not whither.
c. Flowers when are moist do not whither.
d. Flowers kept moist by us did not whither.

(Answers : 101. 3 102. 2 103. 2 104. 3 105. 3 106. c 107. d 108. a 109. d 110. b)

Select the correct  form of Narration of the sentence out of the given options.

111. She said merrily," Friends, let us welcome our guests with gusto."

a. She called upon her friends merrily to welcome our guests with gusto.
b. She suggested her friends that they should welcome their guests with gusto.
c. She proposed to her friends merrily that they should  welcome their guests with gusto.
d. She proposed merrily to her friends that we should welcome our guests with gusto.

112.  The visitor said," Let me come in, sir."

a. The visitor said respectfully to let me come in.
b. The visitor respectfully told to let him come in.
c. The visitor requested respectfully to let him come in.
d. The visitor told sir to let him come in.

(Answers 111.c 112.b)

Find out correctly spelt word out of the following words.

a. Bourgeois
b. Buorgeoise
c. Bourgeoise

a. Gorgeously
b. Goregously
c. Georgously

a. Flambuoyant 
b. Flamboyent
c. Flamboyant

a. Clendestine
b. Clandestine
c. Calandestine

a. Lackadiasical
b Lackadaisical
c. Lackedaisical

(Answers 113. a 114. a115. c 116. b117. a)

Find out  if any  part of the following sentences has an error. If there is no error mark No Error.

118. (a) A group of thieves have
(b) made an attempt to plunder the 
(c)traders in the market yesterday but they 
(d) they saved themselves by their sharp presence of mind.
( No Error).

(a) I have firm Belief (b)that the school (c)principal will not let him 
(d) to enter the school now.
(e) No Error.

(Answers : 118. a 119. d)

Find out synonym of the marked word out of given options.

He had been a sly child but after making a mischief he always looked contrite, it was a quality he possessed.

a. Innocent  b. Jovial c. Remorseful

One half of the wall was covered with pantings having traditional intricate patterns while its other half was painted blank.

a. interesting b. attractive c. complicated.

The playwright has attempted to preach a lesson of morality by portraying the protagonist  arrogant, greedy and profligate.

a. judicious b. intelligent c.  reckless)

Find out antonym of the marked word out of given options.

123. The lady was punctilious in her domestic chores as she paid full attention to her job in the house.

a. careless b. diligent c. reluctant

124. We had to face the inquisitive looks of the policemen present in the police station for hours together. 

a. constant  b. curious c. casual

125. It was the ecstasy in her shining eyes that showed her feelings on meeting her lost child.

a. awfulness b. bliss c. admiration

(Answers 120.c 121.c 122.c 123. a 124.c 125. a)

Substitute one word out of given options in place of the following statement.

126. A job or a work for which payment in terms of money is paid.
a. ruminative   b. honorary  c. remunerative.

127. A branch of  science that studies insects.
a. entomology b. etymology c. anthropology

128. A person who does not believe in any religion.
a. rationalist b. atheist c. pagan.
(Answer  126.c 127. b 128.c)

129. Rearrange the following sentences PQRS into a meaningful paragraph. S1 and S6 are the given first and last sentences.

S1 Water is the basic need of human beings as well as  other living beings on this earth to survive. 

P. In urban areas despite  its scarcity, people make a lot of avoidable wastage of water.

Q. The traditional methods of crop cultivation and rapid construction all around  have made a sharp decline in ground water level too. 

R. In earlier times people realised its value  and had a planned way to use and conserve it but nowadays it is not so.

S. Inspite of the fact that it is the most essential item, it is being misused by people in the world.

S6. The problem of scarcity of water is growing grave to graver but it can be solved by  efficient and effective planning of conservation and distribution of water.

(Options: (1) SRPQ (2) SPQR  (3) RSPQ (4) PQSR)

(Answer 1)

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