Saturday 7 August 2021




                        ERROR  SPOTTING

Usage of Adverb and Adjective in sentences.

An Adjective describes a Noun or a Pronoun whereas an Adverb describes mainly a Verb, an Adjective or an Adverb.

For example:
He is my close friend. ......1
He sat close to me. ...........2

In sentence 1, the word close is an adjective as it describes noun friend. But in sentence 2, the word close is an adverb as it describes verb sat. 

He is my very close friend. .........3
He sat very close to me................4

In sentence 3, the word very is an adverb as it describes adjective close. In sentence 4, the word very is also an adverb as it describes adverb close. 

In competition examinations questions are given with incorrect usage of an adverb or an adjective in sentences. The error in sentences is required to be located and rectified.

For example :

She is feeling good now.  ............1

His movements were so quickly that he was back in his original position in no time. ..........2

All of us witnessed briskly sliding of the fish into water. ........ 3

In the sentence 1 the word good describes verb feeling but it is an adjective and in its place an adverb is required. The correct word in its place is adverb well. 

She is feeling well now.

In the sentence 2 the word quickly is an adverb but to describe a noun movements, an adjective is required. It should be quick instead of quickly.

This sentence can be either

He moved so quickly that he was in his original position in no time.  OR
 His movements were so quick that he was back in his original position in no time.

In the sentence 3, sliding is not a verb but it being a gerund is a noun. To describe a noun, an adjective is required. Briskly is an adverb. It should be brisk instead of briskly. 

This sentence can be either

All of us witnessed the fish sliding briskly into water.

All of us witnessed brisk sliding of the fish into water.


1. All the crops of cotton were damaged as it rained heavy this year.

(Ans: Rained is a verb and to describe it an adverb is required but heavy is an adjective it should be heavily instead of heavy.) 

2. He was so frightened that he jumped sudden from his chair and rushed towards the door.

(Ans: Sudden an adjective describes the verb Jumped but to describe it an adverb is required. It should be suddenly instead of sudden.)

3. All of us expect him to perform his duty fair towards all the parties of the case.

(Ans: Fair describes a verb perform but it is an adjective whereas  to describe it an adverb is required. It should be fairly instead of fair.)

4. After the match was over all the players sat quite in their rooms and took rest.
(Ans:  Sat is a verb and to describe it an adverb is required. Quitely instead of quite is required to be used here.)

5. The cook chopped all the vegetables fine and washed them well before cooking.

(Ans: Fine an adjective describes the verb chopped. In its place an adverb  finely is the correct word.)  


1. The lack of sufficient delicate methods to detect injury before symptoms appear is one of the great unsolved problems in medicine.

2. Its situation is uncommonly pleasant and healthful and although the surface of this area is somewhat rocky and uneven, the soil is excellent adapted for agricultural purposes.

3. She seemed so fatigued and so unwilling to watch what was going on that she became increasing flustered and angry when no one paid attention to her.

4. All of them enjoyed themselves very much during the course of their journey as it was thorough comfortable for them all the time.

5. He on his part acted reasonably and courageously yet he appeared to be acting cowardly to all of those present there.
6. The young man at once went down the stage, ran hurried through the audience and started shouting very loud at the watch man.

7. The guests were offended and annoyed as the host behaved rude with them and did not attend to them properly.

8. I have decided not to purchase the new car because the company is now demanding a considerable higher price of it than it quoted earlier.

9. They  had to undergo a fair larger course of action this time than that they had during their previous attempt.

10. The track was very slippery and the truck driver was moving very fast but even then he managed to stop the vehicle in a skillfully manner and all of them were saved. 


1. ..of sufficiently delicate..
2. excellently adapted..
3. ....became increasingly..
4. was thoroughly...
5. acting in a cowardly manner...
6. ...ran hurriedly ....
7. ...behaved rudely with..
8....a considerably higher..
9. ....a fairly larger...
10. .......skillful manner....


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