Sunday 1 October 2023

Error Spotting (Assorted Sentences - Errors of different types)- COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION PATTERN QUESTIONS SENTENCES

ERROR SPOTTING - Assorted Sentences --Competition Examination Questions.

In competition examinations, sentences are given with errors of different types viz. Subject -Verb combination,  use of Adjective -Adverb or Phrasal verbs etc. These errors are  to be identified or rectified. Some sentences of these types are given hereunder for practice.    


In the following sentences find out error and mark the part a,b c and d accordingly. If there is no error in the sentence mark part e.

 1.Happiness is one of the human emotions that produces  positive harmones in the body which are necessary for good health. 

(a) Happiness is one of 
(b) the human emotions that produces
 (c)  positive harmones in the body 
(d) which are necessary for good health.
 (e) No Error.

2. In case it rained in torrents and the playing ground was flooded with rain water, both the teams decided to stop playing and  abandon the match.

(a) In case it rained in torrents and the
(b) playing ground was flooded with rain
(c) water, both the teams decided to stop 
(d) playing and abandon the match.

3. Finally he got the most deserved promotion in order that he has a good technical knowledge in his field and he performs his duty sincerely.

(a) Finally he got the most deserved 
(b) promotion in order that he has 
(c)a good technical knowledge in his 
(d)field and he performs his duty sincerely.

4, After a prolonged discussion with all the members, the committee allowed the visitors park their vehicles in the parking area.

(a) After a prolonged discussion
 (b) with all the members, 
(c)the committee allowed the visitors
(d) park their vehicles in the parking area. 
(e) No Error

5. The government is planning to ban construction of higher than three - storeys buldings as this city falls in the area prone to seismic disturbances.

(a) The government is planning to ban
(b) construction of higher than three - storeys 
(c)buldings as this city falls in the
(d) area prone to seismic disturbances.

6. The sight of the mountain with  twinkling lights on it fascinate the tourists looking at it from a hill on the opposite side.

(a) The sight of the mountain 
(b) with  twinkling lights  on it
(c) fascinate the tourists looking 
(d)at it from a hill on the opposite side.

7. I endeavoured hard to search some sympathetic faces in the crowd gathered around me in the hall from whom I could get some appreciation but there was none. 

(a) I endeavoured hard to search some sympathetic 
(b) faces in the crowd gathered around me
(c) in the hall from whom I could get 
(d) some appreciation but there was none. 

8. Although among different mode of expression, a language is considered the most suitable one for human beings yet sometimes silence too expresses more than a language. 

(a) Although among different mode of 
(b) expression, a language is considered 
(c) the most suitable one for human beings yet 
(d) sometimes silence too expresses more than a language. 

9. We should avoid driving at night because it is very risky as though professional drivers even commit mistakes while driving at night.

(a) We should avoid driving at night
(b) because it is very risky as though 
(c) professional drivers even commit
(d) mistakes while driving at night.

10. The show was delayed a little as the chief guest arrived late at the venue but entering to the hall was allowed half an hour prior to the scheduled time.

(a) The show was delayed a little as the
(b) chief guest arrived late at the venue
(c) but entering to the hall was allowed
(d) half an hour prior to the scheduled time.


Following parts a,b,c,d forming a complete sentence may contain an error in any of these. Identify and find out the error and mark the relative part accordingly.If there is no error in the sentence mark part e.

(a) The new model of this mobile phone may 
(b) likely be available in the market during the month
(c) of December this year and it will cost much
(d) higher than the cost of the present model.
(e) No Error. 

(a) As the little child sat down on 
(b)the ground to count his coins, a 
(c) five rupee coin slipped unnoticed from 
(d) his hand and went down the table.
(e) No Error.


(a) Everyone member present in the meeting
(b) participated in the deliberations actively
(c) as everyone was interested to find
(d) out a favourable solution of the issue.
(e) No Error.


 (a)  From the findings of the enquiry  it is
 (b)  revealed that the accused presented
 (c) a pure fabricated story 
(d) to cover his shortcomings,
(e) No Error.


(a) She had hardly walked upto
(b) the threshold of the house 
(c) when telephone bell rang and she 
(d) had to return to attend to it.
(e) No Error.


(a) The dinner party scheduled to 
(b) be hosted by the President on
(c) Sunday postponed to some future
(d) date due to unknown reasons.

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