Wednesday 8 October 2014

Sentence Arrangement--1 - Competition Examination Questions Based Exercises-- Solution & Explanation


In competition examinations there are questions relating to arrangement of jumbled sentences into a meaningful sequence. For attempting these questions though there is no hard and fast rule yet understanding meaning and sense conveyed by the given sentences helps in finding  solution. There are some key words which show linkage between these sentences and those are required to be identified. 

A few of these are enumerated  hereunder :

To form the first sentence generally a Noun as its subject is required in the sentence.

A sentence having a pronoun as its subject generally does not form the first sentence of the sequence.

Articles like "a, an or the" also give a hint about position of the sentence in the sequence. The articles "a" or "an" show that this sentence can be first sentence but a sentence containing article "the" shows that reference of the noun following "the" has already been made in a sentence prior to this sentence. 

There are words like it, its, this, these, that, those, hereunder, below, preceding,  or  following etc. which also  indicate  position of the sentence in a sequence. 

For example:
Its effect on them was so intense  that they immediately changed their decision. 

Here words like "its" "them" and "they" refer to  something already discussed in preceding sentences. So this cannot be first sentence.

Words like but or yet also help in locating position of the sentence. After use of these words the mood of the statement undergoes a change. If there is a positive mood of the statement after these words it will change to negative or vice versa.

 For example: 
He wanted to appear in the examination this year but he could not.

Though he appeared in the examination this year yet he did not pass. 

Words like also, however, nevertheless  also  indicate  context of the sentence with others.

In certain examination questions there are options given to select the correct answer out of those. These options help in finding out the correct answer. One can easily go by these options.  The option which does not form the first serial number of the options can easily be ignored. The options which do not fit into probabilities can also be ignored and only the remaining options can be considered. This method reduces  labour and saves time in finding out the correct solution.

For Example:

There are four serial numbers, PQRS and options are


Options show that answer cannot start with Sr no P. So it can be ignored. Now two options start with S think about them.If it does not fit in norms ignore it too. Now focus on the remaining two options Q and R only. This will save labour and time.

Examples elucidate the point further.

Here follow Exercises for Practice.

Exercise One

Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful sequence.

P. It pertains to a rift in the relationship between children and parents, the young and the old due to conflict of their ideologies. 

Q. Generation gap refers to the distancing of people of successive generations with respect to communication, behaviour, thinking etc. 

R.As a result several old age homes have mushroomed in our country which take into their fold senior citizens bereft of love of their children and family.

S. In fact when a young person and an old person cannot understand each other's view point, it is said to be a case of generation gap and it is widening at an alarming rate and destroying the social fabric all over the world.


1. SQRP   2. RSQP  3. QPSR  4. SPQR

Answers with explanations.

One can safely go by the given options. 
No option starts with P so it cannot be first sentence.
There are two options starting with S. This can be answer. 

Sr no R starts with words "as a result" which shows that there are some facts prior to this sentence on the basis of which this conclusion has been made. So this cannot be the first sentence. 

Option S starts with words "In fact" which shows that this sentence gives explanation of some point already stated prior to it. So this does not appear to be the first sentence.

Option Q is a general statement about a fact "generation gap" this appears to be first sentence. Out of the given options only at sr no. 3 starts with Q. This sequence can be checked.

If we start from the last Sr. no. S , it describes effect of gap on social set up. Further Sr. no. R tells about more such conditions prevailing in the society. This indicates that R can follow S. So option with sequence SR should be first checked. 

Option Q can be followed by P as it further elaborates the point stated in Q.  S further gives detail of it.  Finally R shows the concluding result of all these. 

So Option 3  QPSR is the answer.

Exercise Two

P. Seeing him a beam of light flashed in the eyes of the old man, though  he failed to recognise him yet he appeared to be known to him.

Q. He being exhausted was feeling it difficult to continue his journey further but even then  he did not want to surrender.

R. All of a sudden he caught sight of a young man at a distance who appeared to be heading towards him.

S.  An old farmer was walking slowly on the road with the support of his stick but he had a strong zeal in his mind to achieve his target.

1. RQPS 2. SQRP 3. SPQR  4. PQSR

Answer with explanation.
P. In this sentence  article 'the' before 'old man'  indicates that there has already been reference to 'old man' in previous sentences. So this cannot be first sentence. So option 4 is ruled out.

Q. In this sentence the pronoun 'he' indicates that this cannot be first sentence. Besides there is no option starting with Q.

R. The words 'he appeared to be exhausted'  refer to someone already mentioned in previous sentences. So this too cannot be first sentence. Option 1 too cannot be answer.

S. This sentence starts with a Noun 'an old farmer' so this can be first sentence. There are two options starting with S. These two need to be checked.

It is to be seen  whether after S it is P (option 3) or Q (option2). 
Option P tells about someone whom the old man saw but there is no such reference in S. So P cannot follow S. 

Answer is 2. SQRP. This sequence can be checked and verified.
S tells about an old farmer walking and Q tells that he is exhausted. This makes link between the two. R gives reference to a young man whom the old man saw  and P describes about his recognition by old man. 

Exercise Three

Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful sequence.

P. In ancient times when scientific instruments were not there man made these predictions by  watching  movements of winds or birds etc.     

Q. It has been his continuous endeavour to know weather changes before hand as these are of utmost importance for him.

R. Predicting weather has always been a cumbersome business for man since long.

S. Various methods have been used in the past to make accurate weather predictions but without much success as weather often plays truant.