Wednesday 19 June 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations



These days in competitive examinations there are questions in various forms  relating to language and grammar application  to examine knowledge of candidates. These questions  change in their forms from one  examination  to other but the basic purpose remains the same. 

Here are some questions of this type for practice.

Question :

(1)  Fill in the blanks numbered in the following passage by selecting an appropriate word from the options given against each number. 

The Green Revolution made India a food grain surplus country. However some other issues like  1..................of groundwater, deterioration of soil fertility and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers etc. cropped   2................This led stakeholders to consider 3..................of crops including resorting to high value crops such as fruit and vegetables and non-traditional ones like flowers or mushrooms etc. These crops have great potential to   4.............. farm income of cultivators.

 Today India’s total horticulture production is  5...............  that of food grains. India ranks second (after China) in fruit and vegetable production in the world. The massive production offers India  6...............opportunities for exports. Grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, bananas and oranges are the major items of fruit exported from India while onions, potatoes, tomatoes and green chillies  etc.  are the vegetables that India  7............. exports. Major destinations for fresh fruit and vegetables are Bangladesh, Iraq, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Oman Qatar, Sri Lanka, the UAE and the UK. India exports processed fruit and vegetables to Bangladesh, China, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the US. In order to enhance its export business of fruit and vegetables in a big way,  India 8................. certain practices and regulations for maintaining an exportable quality of produce.

 The producers have to comply quality norms to avoid rejection from importing countries or buyers. Export to European countries or the US mandates  stringent regulation on the pesticides residue levels and heavy metals in fruit and vegetables. A crop is not tradable if it exceeds the maximum residue levels. Therefore the producers and exporters must comply with the levels the importing countries.For India a world class logistics and infrastructure ecosystem too  needs to be in place to boost export of fruit and vegetables. 

1. a. augmentation b. restoration c. escalation d. depletion.
2. a. in b. up c. about d. upon
3. a. consolidation b. modification c. diversification d. Mollification
4. a. rise b. raise c. thrust d. expand 
5. a.surpassing b. overpowering c. competing d. daring 
6. a. considered b. urgent c. immediate d. major 
7. a. basically  b. largely c.initially  d. sparingly 
8. a. has to follow  b. need follow c. require following d. have to follow
9. a. about b. for c. with d. after 
10. a. said b. put c. shown d. set  

(Answers - 1. d  2. b  3. c 4. b  5. a  6. d  7. b  8.a 9.c 10.d.)

(2)  Select the correct voice form of the sentence out of the given options.

1. Hamlet suspected the queen poisoned the king.

a. The king is suspected to have been poisoned by the queen.
b. Hamlet suspected the king was poisoned by the queen.
c. Hamlet suspected the king had been poisoned by the queen.

2. Children have gone to see the circus.

a. Children have gone to the circus to be seen.
b. Children have gone for the circus to be seen.
c. Children have been gone to the circus to be seen.

(3)  Select the part of the sentence that contains an error if there is no error mark (e) No error.

A.The memories of good old days (a)   I spent here   are recalled (b) in my mind whenever I (c) visit this city though for a short time even. (d) No error (e)

B. The news that examination  is (a) postponed spread like a wild fire in the city and (b) all the students preparing for the examination(c) got upset to hear this news.(d) No error (e)

(4)  Find out the synonym of the word.

A. Restitute 
a. Progress
b. Restore
c. Confront

B. Loutish 
a. urbane 
b. homogenous 
c. boorish 

C. Snobbery 
a. Arrogance
b. Proximity
c. Nobility

(5)  Find out the antonym of the word.

A. Holistic 
a. Divisive
b. Wholesome
c. Functional

B. Parry
a. Impede
b. Evade
c. Hasten

C. Dubious
a. Uncertain
b. Confirmed
c. Harmful

(6)  Select the appropriate meaning  of the idiom from the given options. 

A.  Go with a bang

a. To behave in a churlish manner.
b.  To act in an aggressive manner.
c. To feel excited on succeeding

B.  Under the cloud

a. To feel extremely happy
b. To suspect something or someone. 
c. To be uncertain about something.

(7)  Find out the wrongly spelt word out of the following

a. Susceptible
b. Gullible
c. Decible

a. Insolubrious  
b. flamboyant
c. Draconian

(8)  Select the correct Narration form of the sentence out of the given options.

1. The board hanging on the wall reads,"Entry in the garden is prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted."

a. The board hanging on the wall reads not to enter the garden and orders  that trespassers would be prosecuted. 

b. The board hanging on the wall prohibits entry into the garden and cautions trespassers that they will be prosecuted. 

c. The board hanging on the wall prohibited them to enter the garden and cautioned them that trespassers would be prosecuted. 


2. Her mother said," Where she has gone is not known to me, my son, you will have to wait until she returns."

a. Her mother asked  where she had gone was not known to her and her son would have to wait until she returned.

b. Her mother asked her son where she had gone was not known to her and he would have to wait until she returned.

c. Her mother told her son that where she had gone was not known to her and he would have to wait until she returned.

9. Select the correct meaning of the underlined portion of the sentence out of given options.

The principal requirement for a successful leader is that he or she should lead by example. 

a. Follow examples of others.
b. Put his words into own practice.
c. Make show of his deeds.

Cancelation of examination has taken a heavy toll on the mental and emotional wellbeing of the candidates.

a. Make a good impact. 
b. Cause a heavy expenditure. 
c. To cause a bad effect.

10. Arrange the following sentences in a meaningful way.

(P) But these all cannot be taken for granted to be  genuine and true. There is every likelihood of their being fake and manipulated to gain reputation of the suppliers.

(Q)The claims made by suppliers and reviews by prior users on the site generally make the basis  of the prospective buyers’ decision of making purchases. 

(R) This necessitates ensuring that the supplies on their delivery made  are  genuine and  as promised. 

(S) These days there is an increasing trend of making online purchases of services and products among people. People of all ages prefer making purchases on line. 

(Answer : 1. SRQP  2. SQRP  3. PQSR  4. QRSP

Saturday 1 June 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations


There are questions relating to language and grammar application in competititve examination papers to assess knowledge and application of grammar rules. These questions are of different types but the basic content remains the same. Here are some questions of this type for practice.

Question :

1. Read thefollowing passage and answer the questions following it.

Reading provides a man a strange type of pleasure besides it is instructive as well. It not only gives him ecstasy but also sharpens his intellect. Reading books of different types drives a man from his worries and cares of life. All human beings start enjoying pleasures of reading right from childhood.To begin with a child learns the ways of life through reading and writing. He derives his pleasure through reciting a small poem about an animal, a few sentences about toys or learning a little prose about small things of surroundings.

Reading newspapers, periodicals or journals etc. falls under the category of light reading. These impart knowledge to their reader and keeps him abreast of the day to day events happening around him. These also contain articles which increase the wit and knowledge of the reader. Besides knowledge boosting, there is another category of books which provides a pastime reading to the reader. These books contain luxurious fiction that has abilty to create and sustain the interest of the reader. These creations of imagination are  equally  connected with real life. As such these create a niche of interest and pleasure in the mind of the reader.

Man by nature is fond of making adventures. As reading about such adventures provides a man glamour and romanticism of life. Books of travel and adventure are such another type of books that a man likes. These infuse a sense of fearlessness and inspiration among the readers. The books of adventures of travelling are among the best books of literature.  

Undoubtedly, books are a gold mine of knowledge, art, literature and science. They are not only useful and instructive but are also entertaining and recreative. Whatever type of books one reads, the reading is always a source of pleasure and enjoyment.

On the basis of aforesaid paragraph choose  answers of questions. 

1. What types of benefits a man gets from reading?

a. People in the habit of reading get expositive type of knowledge.
b. People get ostensive type of knowledge from reading.
c. Reading imparts elucidative knowledge to readers.
d. Reading provides interpretation and clarity about different concepts. 

(1. a & b  2. a &d  3. a,b & c  4. a,c & d)

2. Choose the correct one out of the following statements.

a. Reading gives to the reader enjoyment and pleasure only.
b. A Reader gets mutifarious benefits from reading.
c. Reading imparts to the reader didactic type of benefits only.
d. Reading is instructive, elucidative, venturesome and delightful.

(1. a&c 2. b&c 3. b&d  4. a&d )

3. Point out the incorrect statement.

a. Reading gives pleasure and enjoyment to the reader.
b. Reading alleviates worries of the reader.
c. Reading takes away the reader from realities of life.
d. Reading makes the reader valiant and perceptible.

4. Which of the following words give the meaning opposite to ecstasy?
a. Rapture b. Agony c. Euphoria.

5.  "As  reading about such  adventures provides a man glamour and romanticism of life."
The writer in this sentnce wants to convey that-
- It provides an escape route for a man from drudgery of life. 
- these books are alluring in nature.
- Books make perception of life for a man fascinating.

6. The habit of reading is inculcated in human beings ...

a. when he comes in contact with intelligentsia.
b. when he is in  primitive age of life.
c. when a man gets mature enough to understand.

7. Select the word in paragraph that means the same as
 'precarious '

a. strange
b. recreative
c. Instructive

8. Select the part that contains an error in the following sentence.

(a) It is a different category of 
(b)  books that not only develop intellect 
(c) of the reader but also helps in making 
(d)  a better approach towards life.
(e) No Error.

9.  Books of which following  types provide knowledge and pleasure to a reader.

a. Books of casual reading.
b. Books of fiction.
c. Books of adventures.

1. ac 2. abc 3. ab

10.  Select the correct option meaning the marked part in the following  sentence.

Books are a gold mine of knowledge, art, literature and science.

a. enshrine.
b. encumber.
c. treasure 

(11)  Select from following  what the idiom from passage  'to keep abreast of' mean.

a. To make a confession
b. To inquire into
c. To remain informed. 

(Answers: 1.4.  2.3  3.c 4.b  5.c  6.b 7.a  8.b 9.2. 10.c 11.c)

2. Select the word in the following ones which is different in meaning from others.

a. Fervent
b. Surreptitious
c. Ardent
d. Torrid

(Answer b)

3. Select the correct option giving the meaning of the phrase.

(A) To talk turkey

a. To speak strongly against something or someone.
b. To discuss something openly and honestly.
c. To pursue something which is unlikely to be achieved.

(B) Brow beat

a. To praise
b. To protest
c. To bully 

(C) Yoeman's service

a. Excellent work
b. Fruitless effort
c. Timely help

(Answers : A.b B.a C.a)

4.Arrange the sentences PQRS in meaningful way, A and B being the first and last sentence of the paaragraph.

A. China landed its space craft 'lunar probe'  successfully on the far side of the Moon to collect samples.

P .It is claimed that it is the first time that samples will be collected from the rarely explored area of the moon.

Q.Scientists believe that it holds great promise for research because its craters are less covered by ancient lava flows than the near side.

R. Materials collected from the dark side may better shed light on how the moon formed in the first place. 

S. The Moon's far side is also called dark side  because it is invisible from Earth. It is so not because it never catches the Sun's rays.

B.The samples thus collected  will provide insight into the formation of solar system and differences between the unexplored side of the moon and its better understood side facing earth. 


(Answer : SQRP)

(5)  Select the correct option as passive form the sentence.

1.Flowing river swayed away wooden logs.

a. Wooden logs are swayed away by flowing river.

b. Wooden logs were swayed away by flowing river.

c. Wooden logs were swayed away in flowing river.

(Answer: c)

2. We should not eat fruit raw.

a. Fruit should not be eaten raw.

b. Fruit are not  eaten raw by us.

 c. Raw fruit should not be eaten by us.

(Answer: a)

(6)  Select the correct option as Narration of the following sentence.

"Well done!," said the manager to the captain,"Your team has shown a splendid performance."

a. The Manager praised the captain saying that he had done well and told him that his team had shown a splendid performance.

b. The Manager exclaimed to the captain that he did well and told him that his team had shown a splendid performance.

c. The Manager applauded the captain saying that he did  well and told him that his team  showed a splendid performance.

(Answer: a)

(7)  Select the correct option that gives the meaning of the italicised part of the sentence.

Brevity is an art which can be acquired by developing skill in the choice of words for more effectiveness. Verbosity is the enemy of wit and brevity is the soul of wit. The epigrammatic and crisp sayings of  great orators and writers are always remembered and quoted.

a. Brief and not lengthy way of expression shows inteeligence of a man.
b. Brief and not lengthy way of expression makes a man intelligent and wise.
c. Brevity is the yardstick to asses intelligence of a man.
d. None of these.


A rash and impulsive man takes his decision without thinking. He is gullible and falls prey to allurement and glamour of the world. He gets easily excited and rushes to act madly.

a. He is innocent and is unable to take his decisions himself.
b. He is credulous and is swayed by outward show of things.
c. He lacks farsightedness and is enchanted by outer beauty of persons.
d. None of these.

(Answer: A.b  B.b)

(8)  Fill in the blanks with an appropriate pair of words out of the given options. 

By planting trees on roadsides and ............ of towns and villages we can save land from ..................

a. periphery , afforestattion
b. vicinity, erosion.
c. outskirts, deforestation

All the countrymen should............the spirit of service and sacrifice from great men of ..........

a. inculcate, power
b. imbibe, wisdom
c. emulate, yore.

(Answer: 1.c  2.c)

(9)  Fill in the blanks numbered in the following passage by selecting an appropriate word from the options given against each number. 

The Green Revolution made India a food grain surplus country. However some other issues like 1..................of groundwater, deterioration of soil fertility and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers etc. cropped 2................This led stakeholders to consider 3..................of crops including resorting to high value crops such as fruit and vegetables and non-traditional ones like flowers or mushrooms etc. These crops have great potential to 4.............. farm income of cultivators.

 Today India’s total horticulture production is5...............  that of food grains. India ranks second (after China) in fruit and vegetable production in the world. The massive production offers India  6...............opportunities for exports. Grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, bananas and oranges are the major items of fruit exported from India while onions, potatoes, tomatoes and green chillies  etc.  are the vegetables that India7............. exports. Major destinations for fresh fruit and vegetables are Bangladesh, Iraq, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Oman Qatar, Sri Lanka, the UAE and the UK. India exports processed fruit and vegetables to Bangladesh, China, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the US. In order to enhance its export business of fruit and vegetables in a big way,  India 8................. certain practices and regulations for maintaining an exportable quality of produce.

 The producers have to comply quality norms to avoid rejection from importing countries or buyers. Export to European countries or the US mandates  stringent regulation on the pesticides residue levels and heavy metals in fruit and vegetables. A crop is not tradable if it exceeds the maximum residue levels. Therefore the producers and exporters must comply with the levels the importing countries.For India a world class logistics and infrastructure ecosystem too  needs to be in place to boost export of fruit and vegetables. 

1. a. augmentation b. restoration c. escalation d. depletion.
2. a. inb. up c. about d. upon
3. a. consolidation b. modification c. diversification d. modification
4. a. rise b. raise c. thrust d. expand 
5. a.surpassing b. overpowering c. competing d.daring 
6. a. considered b. urgent c. immediate d.major 
7. a.basically  b. largely c.initially  d. sparingly 
8. a.has to follow b. need follow c. require following d.have to follow
9. a. about b.for c. with d. after 
10. a. said b. put c. shown d.set  

(Answers - 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. b 8.a 9.c 10.d.)

(10)  Select the correct voice form of the sentence out of the given options.

1. Hamlet suspected the queen poisoned the king.

a. The king is suspected to have been poisoned by the queen.
b. Hamlet suspected the king was poisoned by the queen.
c. Hamlet suspected the king had been poisoned by the queen.

2. Children have gone to see the circus.

a. Children have gone to the circus to be seen.
b. Children have gone for the circus to be seen.
c. Children have been gone to the circus to be seen.

(11)  Select the part of the sentence that contains an error if there is no error mark (e) No error.

A.The memories of good old days (a)   I spent here   are recalled (b) in my mind whenever I (c) visit this city though for a short time even. (d) No error (e)

B. The news that examinations  are (a) postponed spread like a wild fire in the city and (b) all the students preparing for the examination(c) got upset to hear this news.(d) No error (e)

(12)  Find out the synonym of the word.

A. Restitute 
a. Progress
b. Restore
c. Confront

B. Loutish 
a. urbane 
b. homogenous 
c. boorish 

C. Snobbery 
a. Arrogance
b. Proximity
c. Nobility

(13)  Find out the antonym of the word.

A. Holistic 
a. Divisive
b. Wholesome
c. Functional

B. Parry

a. Impede
b. Evade
c. Hasten

C. Dubious

a. Uncertain
b. Confirmed
c. Harmful

Tuesday 28 May 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations



In  competitive examinations, there are questions to assess knowledge of language and application of grammar rules. Different types of questions are framed in these question papers. The pattern of questions goes on changing but the basic content remains the same. Here follow certain questions of this type for practice.

Question :

1. Arrange the following sentences PQRS, A and E being first and last sentence, forming a meaningful paragraph.

A. An inter-institutional research examined how human beings can manage knowledge and communication to restore and balance operational and relationalsystems distrupted by crises.

P. It showed that perceived uncertainty affects human beings differently influencing both their mental and emotional stress. This in turn impacts how they behave and respond psychologically during a crisis.

Q. It also showed that the communication should be clear, frequent compassionately in case high-uncertainty crises and complete, tranparent persuasive in case of low uncertainty crises. 

R. Effective communication  planning particularly in high uncertainty scenarios is vital for human beings. The process and resources for creating, storing and sharing knowledge help in preparing for crisis communication.

S. It presented a comprehensive framework to guide human beings in tailoring their comunication strategies based on the level ofcirsis uncertainty.

 E. Displaying compassion in communication can help human beings cope with survivor's guilt which impacts their well being post-crisis.

(OPTIONS :  (a) SPQR, (b) RSPQ, (c) SQPR, (d) QPSR)

(Answer : (a)

2. Select the correct sentence out of the given options.
a. His brother alongwith his friends go to see the movie every Sunday.
b. His brother along with his friends goes to see the movie every Sunday.
c. His brother alongwith his friends goes to seeing the movie every Sunday.

a. The company is incurring losses as its expenditure is higher than 
the income it earns from its all sources.
b. The company is incurred losses as its expenditure is higher than 
the income it earns from its all sources.
c. The company has incurring losses as its expenditure is higher than 
the income it earns from its all sources.
(Answers: A.c  B.a

3. From among the words marked select the correctly spelt word in the following sentence.

The (1) challange he faced without any cheering claps, and the (2) hostility he experienced from the opposite teams of American kids who (3) recented the newcomers -- only brought the boys closer.  
(Answer: 2)

4. From among given options select the correct passive form of  the given sentence.

A. People believe that face is the index of mind.

a. It is believed that mind has been the index of face.
b. It is believed that face is the index of mind.
c. People believe that mind has been the index to face.

B. What follows the spring season?

a. What the spring season is followed ?
b. What the spring season is followed by?
c. What is the spring season followed by ?
(Answers : A b B c)

5. Select the word out of given options which means the same as the following sentence.

Which cannot be satisfied.

a. Incurable b. Incredible  c. Insatiable.

(Answer : c)
6. Select the correct meaning of the idiom out of options.

(a). Up the creek without a paddle.

a. To start a work without preparation.
b. To do a difficult work in an easy way.
c. To be in a difficult situation or trouble.

(b). To pour one's heart

a. To show affection for someone.
b. To make an open expression.
 c. To make companionship with someone.

(c). Elephant in the room.

a, A person of high repute.
b. A person with huge wealth.
c. A sensitive issue left unaddressed. 

(Answers : (a)c  (b)b (c)c )

7. Substitute the marked part of the sentence choosing a correct option. If no improvement is required mark option No Improvement. 

1. Unless her brother returns from his journey, it is difficult for her to proceed  with her further course of action.

a) to her going ahead with
b) for her to precede further with  
c) by her to move with
d) No Improvement.

2. Readers accustomed to think reading as dull may be surprised to learn that fascinating contribution this book makes to their understanding.

a) what fascinated contribution 
b) what fascinating contribution
c) that fascinated contribution
d) No Improvement.

3. As we were approaching near her office, we saw some news reporters with their glittering cameras standing in front of its gate.

a) were reaching at her office
b)  reached near her office
c) were approaching at her office
d) No Improvement

(Answers 1.d 2.b 3.b)

8. Mark the part of the sentence that carries an error in it.

a) The lady joined (b) an institute (c) for  learning to (d) drive a car.
(e) No error.

(a) It is believed that (b) Rennaisance  is a  culture (c) and scientific reawakening a time (d)  of great possibility and intensity. (e) No error.

3. (a) The government is thinking of starting (b) a programme for educational institutions
(c)  in the country to impart education to its (d) pupils inculcating patriotism among them. (e) No error

(Answers 1. c 2. b 3. c)

9. Find out the correctly spelt word.

a) Accommodate
b) Acommodate
c) Accomodate
d) Acomodate

a) Luducurous
b) Luducruos
c) Ludicrous
d) Ludicuros

a) omanivoros
b) omnivarous
c) omnivouros
d) omnivorous
(Answers : 1. c 2. c 3. d

9. Fill in blank in  with an appropriate preposition out of options.

a)  A preface .........the book preceded its chapters.
1. by  2, of 3. to 4. in

b) The oldman is often seen brooding ........his past days.
1. in 2. on 3. over 4. with

c) The river was brimming ........water. 2, with 3, of 4. at

d) These estimates were deduced .......the data available with us.
1. in 2. from 3. by 4. within

(Answers : a.3 b. 3 c. 2 d. 2 )

10. Change the Narration of the following sentence and mark the correct option.

Each of her friends said to her," Rest Assured! I shall stand by you in all times."

a) Each of her friends assured her that she would stand by her in all times.
b) Each of her friends told her to be assured that she would stand by her in all times.
c) Each of her friends assured her and told that she would stand by her in all times.
d) Each of her friends assured and told her that she would stand by her in all times.

" I have never been to this city earlier. Have 
you ever been?" said his friend to him.

a) His friend asked him that he had never been to that city earlier and if he had ever been.
b) His friend told him that he had never been to that city earlier and if he had ever been.
c) His friend told him that he had never been to that city earlier and asked if he had ever been.
d) His friend enquired him that he had never been to that city earlier and if he had ever been.

(Answer: One a. Two c)

Thursday 23 May 2024

MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER (English Section) of Competitive Examinations of BANKS OR INSURANCE Cos. etc.-Duly solved-- Answers with Explanations


Here follow certain questions on the pattern of those set in competitive examinations. The style and method of questions goes on changing a little bit every time though the basic intent is to judge knowledge of language and its grammar application.

Directions :
(Question 101 to 110) :  

 Find out, out of the given options, the appropriate meaning  of the idiom underlined in the following sentence :

101.While all consider her a "good girl" but her cousin is considered a rebellious black sheep in their family.

1. Brave 2. Timid 3. Odd person 4. Industrious.  

102. The boy tried to convince the teacher about his absence from the class  but he did not trust on his Cock and Bull Story.

1. Reasonable version 2. Implausible story 3. Strongly  worded  4. Full of Excuses.

103. On seeing the police coming towards the site, the protesters beat a retreat and vanished away.

1.Move stealthily 2. Move hastily 3. Move slowly 4. Move backwards.

104. The family is in the habit of eating out, chewing the fat and spending their time with their friends in the evening.

1. Spend money lavishly 2. Enjoy good company 3. Chat and gossip 4. Make a show off.

105. On hearing  decision of the jury against her, she shook her head fiercely and rushed out of the room in high dudgeon.

1. High headedness 2. Act hastily 3. Act resentfully 4. Make a protest.

Select the correct Voice form of the sentence out of the given options.

106. The child hurt himself while playing with a ball.

a. The child hurt himself while being  played with a ball.
b. The child himself was hurt while playing with a ball.
c. The child was hurt himself while playing with a ball.
d. The child had hurt himself while playing with a ball.

107. The tap was left running throughout the day.

a. Someone left the tap being run throughout the day.
b. Someone had left the tap running throughout the day.
c. They left the running tap throughout the day.
d. Someone left the tap running throughout the day.

108. A pen can do what a sword cannot.

a. What a sword cannot do can be done by a pen.
b. What cannot  be done by sword is done by pen.
c. What is not done by sword is done by a pen.
d. What a pen can do can not be done by a sword. 

109. Aeroplane while landing produced noise.

a. Noise was produced while landing by aeroplane.
b. Noise was produced by aeroplane while being landed.
c. Noise was produced by aeroplane while was landing.
d. Noise is produced by aeroplane while its landing.

110. Flowers do not whither when we keep them moist.

a. Flowers when kept moist did not whither.
b. Flowers when are kept moist do not whither.
c. Flowers when are moist do not whither.
d. Flowers kept moist by us did not whither.

(Answers : 101. 3 102. 2 103. 2 104. 3 105. 3 106. c 107. d 108. a 109. d 110. b)

Select the correct  form of Narration of the sentence out of the given options.

111. She said merrily," Friends, let us welcome our guests with gusto."

a. She called upon her friends merrily to welcome our guests with gusto.
b. She suggested her friends that they should welcome their guests with gusto.
c. She proposed to her friends merrily that they should  welcome their guests with gusto.
d. She proposed merrily to her friends that we should welcome our guests with gusto.

112.  The visitor said," Let me come in, sir."

a. The visitor said respectfully to let me come in.
b. The visitor respectfully told to let him come in.
c. The visitor requested respectfully to let him come in.
d. The visitor told sir to let him come in.

(Answers 111.c 112.b)

Find out correctly spelt word out of the following words.

a. Bourgeois
b. Buorgeoise
c. Bourgeoise

a. Gorgeously
b. Goregously
c. Georgously

a. Flambuoyant 
b. Flamboyent
c. Flamboyant

a. Clendestine
b. Clandestine
c. Calandestine

a. Lackadiasical
b Lackadaisical
c. Lackedaisical

(Answers 113. a 114. a115. c 116. b117. a)

Find out  if any  part of the following sentences has an error. If there is no error mark No Error.

118. (a) A group of thieves have
(b) made an attempt to plunder the 
(c)traders in the market yesterday but they 
(d) they saved themselves by their sharp presence of mind.
( No Error).

(a) I have firm Belief (b)that the school (c)principal will not let him 
(d) to enter the school now.
(e) No Error.

(Answers : 118. a 119. d)

Find out synonym of the marked word out of given options.

He had been a sly child but after making a mischief he always looked contrite, it was a quality he possessed.

a. Innocent  b. Jovial c. Remorseful

One half of the wall was covered with pantings having traditional intricate patterns while its other half was painted blank.

a. interesting b. attractive c. complicated.

The playwright has attempted to preach a lesson of morality by portraying the protagonist  arrogant, greedy and profligate.

a. judicious b. intelligent c.  reckless)

Find out antonym of the marked word out of given options.

123. The lady was punctilious in her domestic chores as she paid full attention to her job in the house.

a. careless b. diligent c. reluctant

124. We had to face the inquisitive looks of the policemen present in the police station for hours together. 

a. constant  b. curious c. casual

125. It was the ecstasy in her shining eyes that showed her feelings on meeting her lost child.

a. awfulness b. bliss c. admiration

(Answers 120.c 121.c 122.c 123. a 124.c 125. a)

Substitute one word out of given options in place of the following statement.

126. A job or a work for which payment in terms of money is paid.
a. ruminative   b. honorary  c. remunerative.

127. A branch of  science that studies insects.
a. entomology b. etymology c. anthropology

128. A person who does not believe in any religion.
a. rationalist b. atheist c. pagan.
(Answer  126.c 127. b 128.c)

129. Rearrange the following sentences PQRS into a meaningful paragraph. S1 and S6 are the given first and last sentences.

S1 Water is the basic need of human beings as well as  other living beings on this earth to survive. 

P. In urban areas despite  its scarcity, people make a lot of avoidable wastage of water.

Q. The traditional methods of crop cultivation and rapid construction all around  have made a sharp decline in ground water level too. 

R. In earlier times people realised its value  and had a planned way to use and conserve it but nowadays it is not so.

S. Inspite of the fact that it is the most essential item, it is being misused by people in the world.

S6. The problem of scarcity of water is growing grave to graver but it can be solved by  efficient and effective planning of conservation and distribution of water.

(Options: (1) SRPQ (2) SPQR  (3) RSPQ (4) PQSR)

(Answer 1)